
Visits to Fort Gilkicker and the Hilsea Lines

PFS Members Event - Fort Gilkicker - afternoon of 20th April

You will know from recent Newsletters or social media posts that we have been involved in the documentation of new findings at Fort Gilkicker during its development into apartments.  We are very happy to tell you that the developers have agreed to a PFS members’ visit to the site.  We are still working on the details but the visit is likely to include all main gun casemates, the barracks and the upper level and a presentation on our findings. We expect that this new knowledge about Fort Gilkicker will be presented later in the year at a conference / webinar and in the Redan so this will be an exclusive preview for PFS members.

Fort Gilkicker is a building site so this visit will take place under strict conditions.  PFS members will be escorted in groups and some PPE will be mandatory.  This will be very familiar to anyone who took part in the 2022 visit.

There may be a small charge to cover some expenses but for the time being please book yourself a place by emailing Numbers will be limited.


PFS Members Event - Hilsea Lines - afternoon of 13th July

We have special permission to visit sections of Bastion no 4 that are not normally accessible to the public.  This is made possible by arrangement with the Casemates Studio and Café and the Rifle Range that occupies these spaces.  As well as these interior spaces, we concentrate on Bastions 4, 5, the Sally Port and Railway crossing.  We will also have a chance to discuss the question of the Hilsea Redoubt.

We will meet up at the Casemates café at a time to be confirmed but probably 1400.  There may be a small charge to cover some expenses but for the time being please book yourself a place by emailing Numbers will be limited.


40th Anniversary Photograph Competition - Extended to end of July

2024 will see the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Palmerston Forts Society. One activity to celebrate this event is to be a photographic competition.  This is intended to showcase the talent of our members and followers and capture the essence of British Victorian Fortifications across the globe.  Although we have received some good entries the committee have decided to extend the deadline for submissions until the end of July, in order to allow more entries and improve the competition.
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Conference - Artillery post 1800: Targets, Technology and Tactics

On Thursday 18th September, The Royal Armouries and the Ordnance Society are holding this conference at Fort Nelson. The conference is open to all but you have to book a ticket – use the link below.
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Weekend Visit to the Plymouth Forts

As part of our 40th Anniversary events programme we are holding a weekend visit this year, in place of our annual September day trip. This will be the weekend 7th & 8th September 2024.
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Visits to Fort Gilkicker and the Hilsea Lines

As part of our 40th Anniversary events programme we are holding two members visits this year. Traditionally the PFS has held an annual evening visit to a Portsmouth fortification, but this year we are holding two afternoon visits: Fort Gilkicker - Saturday 20th April 2024, Hilsea Lines - Saturday 13th July 2024.  
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Easy Fund Raising

Easyfundraising We have now registered with a new scheme called easyfundraising.   Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself.  
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40th Anniversary of the founding of the PFS

2024 marks the 40th year since the Palmerston Forts Society was formed. To commemorate this occasion a number of special events will be announced. Watch this space......